Sightings at Harvard - Visualization

A treemap of common words

(Feb 2011) allows Harvard students and affiliates to post anonymous sightings of other people around campus. Unique words used across ALL original posts (not responses) are shown here in this basic treemap, and the size of the rectangle corresponds to the frequency of the word occurrence.

Press the numbers 1 - 4 to view the treemap for each sighting type --

1: Male spotting male,

2: Male spotting female,

3: Female spotting male,

4: Female spotting male.

The most common words

(Feb 2011) allows Harvard students and affiliates to post anonymous sightings of other people around campus. The 100 most common words across ALL original posts (not responses) are shown here.

Mouse over each bar to see the most common words being represented. Press the numbers 1 - 4 to view the common words for each sighting type (Male/female spotting male/female) and +/- to change the bin size of the histogram.